Atlanta is the hub of innovation in the southeast. This includes cosmetic surgery. In fact, many patients from more rural areas travel to Atlanta for cosmetic surgery, including breast augmentation surgery. While the cost of breast implant surgery in Atlanta may rank slightly higher than in rural areas, you also receive the highest level of expertise and care.

I have over 35 years of experience with breast augmentation surgeries and I continue to invest in training so my practice provides the best tools, treatment options, and techniques. In fact, I offer a state-of-the-art experience with a focus on total patient health.

Breast Augmentation Surgery Cost

Breast augmentation surgery costs in the Atlanta area vary based on the type of implant used for the procedure. The typical breast augmentation procedure costs:

  • $6,650 for silicone gel implants
  • $5,450 for saline implants

Silicone gel implants come pre-filled. Likewise, the surgeon fills the saline implants during the procedure. Many patients feel silicone gel implants better mimic the consistency of natural breast tissue. However, saline implants work well for many patients.

Most patients choose silicone gel implants over saline implants despite the cost difference. The cost may also vary when compared to other plastic surgeons based on the experience level. Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia. Ensure you work with a qualified and skilled surgeon to achieve the results you want and maintain your overall health.

Buyer Beware When Selecting a Cosmetic Surgeon

In recent years, there has been an influx of breast implant offerings from practitioners with little or no formal training in plastic surgery. These offers occur both in the United States and internationally.

Don’t let a low price seduce you! There is too much at stake. While breast augmentation surgery is routine for most cosmetic surgeons, without the right training or experience things can go wrong. Don’t compromise your health or safety. Stick with an experienced cosmetic surgeon with the recommendations and results to back up that experience.

Especially for plastic surgery deals offered in other countries, watch out. The standards for care may not have the same level of oversight as here in the United States. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Prioritize your well-being over a bargain price.

What Costs are Included in the Surgery?

The stated costs for breast augmentation surgery include the total costs for the procedure. This includes:

  • Physician’s fees
  • Breast implants
  • Anesthesia
  • Operating room.
  • All pre and post-operative visits are part of the fee.

Rarely, a revision procedure may become necessary. A minimal or setup fee can apply for this addition.

Also, we offer patients the option to spend the night in our overnight suite for an additional cost. While breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure, not every patient has a caregiver to help monitor them during the first night post-surgery. The overnight suite provides an alternative for patients.

When evaluating the cost for breast augmentation surgery, consider the surgeon’s level of experience and positive results. The right surgeon is vital to your health and outcome.

Saline Implants vs. Silicone Implants

Saline implants cost approximately $800 less than silicone gel implants. In most patients, the aesthetic benefits of silicone gel over saline are well worth the extra costs. This is not to say that saline implants are always aesthetically inferior.

In women who start the process with larger breasts and a generous layer of subcutaneous fat beyond the breast, the aesthetic difference between silicone gel and saline is indistinguishable. I work with each patient to review the various shapes and sizes of available breast implants. Together we develop the best surgical plan to meet the patient’s aesthetic goals.

While the budget is part of the decision, we prioritize outcomes so that each patient receives the desired long-term results they want. For women with smaller breasts, saline implants often provide the best solution to meet their goals. I have a track record for beautiful and successful results with both types of implants.

Breast Augmentation Financing Options

CareCredit is available to finance breast augmentation procedures. In most circumstances, CareCredit offers an interest-free option for loans paid off within a year. Our business manager works with patients to get the right financing for the procedure.

Most health insurance plans do not cover breast augmentation surgery. However, for patients with breast health issues, the options may differ. Contact your health insurance company to determine their policies.

We prioritize patient satisfaction, which means we want the procedure to have a positive outcome in all aspects, including financially.

Breast Implant Warranties

The warranties offered for breast implants vary based on the implant manufacturer. All manufacturers cover the replacement costs if the implant fails before 10 years. After 10 years, most manufacturers provide a new implant in the event of failure. However, they do not cover replacement costs.

At least one manufacturer’s warranty covers capsular contracture, which is a tightening of the scar tissue around the implant if it occurs within a specified time after original placement. The warranties change often as the manufacturers compete for market share.

You will receive a written copy of the warranty on your implants. Read and keep the warranty for your records. We work with each patient to explain and help you understand the benefits of each type of breast implant.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Dr. Zubowicz is a board-certified, plastic surgeon with over thirty-five years of experience and is a known practice in the Atlanta medical community. He is one of Atlanta’s leaders in plastic surgery. Dr. Zubowicz was named Newsweek’s America’s Best Plastic Surgeons 2021. Schedule a consultation to discuss your goals and breast augmentation options or download the guide below to learn more.

Breast Augmentation Guide Download Atlanta, GA