Plastic Surgery Videos

Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

Dr. Zubowicz explains what recovery is like for a Brazilian Butt Lift (fat transfer to the buttocks).

How is a fat transfer to the buttock procedure performed?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses how a Brazilian butt lift (fat transfer to the buttocks) is performed.

Who is a candidate for a fat transfer to the buttocks?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses the right candidate for a fat transfer to the buttocks.

Disadvantages Of An Endoscopic BrowLift

Dr. Zubowicz discusses the disadvantages of the endoscopic browlift.

What are the advantages of the endoscopic browlift?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses the advantages of the endoscopic browlift.

What is an endoscopic Browlift?

Dr. Zubowicz explains what an endoscopic Browlift is.

Different Types of Browlifts

Dr. Zubowicz discusses different types of Browlifts.

How can a Browlift help a high hairline or high forehead?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses how a Browlift can help a high forehead or high hairline.

Are there any non-surgical remedies for a sagging brow?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses non-surgical alternatives for aging or sagging brow.

Can I have a Browlift with a facelift?

Dr. Zubowicz answers the questions if you can have a Browlift at the same time as a facelift.

Will my hairline change with a Browlift?

Dr. Zubowicz explains what happens to a hairline during a Browlift.

What does a Browlift accomplish?

Dr. Zubowicz explains what a Browlift accomplishes.

Manifestation Of Brow Aging

Dr. Zubowicz discusses what are some manifestations of an aging brow.

Brow Ptosis

Dr. Zubowicz discusses what brow ptosis (sagging brow) is and how a Browlift can help.

Breast Reduction Scars

Dr. Zubowicz explains scarring after breast reduction surgery.

What does a breast reduction accomplish?

Dr. Zubowicz explains what a breast reduction accomplishes.

Breast Size After Breast Reduction

Dr. Zubowicz explains how the breast size is determined for breast reduction patients.

Can I breastfeed after a breast reduction?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses breastfeeding after having a breast reduction.

Do I need a bra after breast reduction?

Dr. Zubowicz answers the question, “Do I need a bra after breast reduction surgery?”

Nipple Sensation After a Breast Reduction

Dr. Zubowicz discusses information about nipple sensation after a breast reduction surgery.

Does a breast reduction prevent breast cancer?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses how a breast reduction affects the detection of breast cancer in patients.

What is a mastopexy (breast lift)?

Dr. Zubowicz explains what a mastopexy (breast lift).

How is a mastopexy (breast lift) performed?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses how a mastopexy (breast lift) is performed.

Mastopexy (Breast Lift) With Implants

Dr. Zubowicz discusses having a mastopexy (breast lift) with implants.

Mastopexy (Breast Lift) Scars

Dr. Zubowicz discusses the scars after a mastopexy (breast lift) procedure.

Nipple Sensation After Mastopexy
(Breast Lift)

Dr. Zubowicz discusses loss of nipple sensation after a mastopexy (breast lift).

What is the recovery after a mastopexy (Breast Lift)?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses what recovery from a mastopexy (breast lift) is like.

What are the different types of mastopexy surgeries?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses the different types of mastopexy surgeries.

What causes aging around the eyes?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses what causes aging around the eyes.

Can you get rid of excess skin around the eyes without surgery?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses removing excess skin around the eyes during a blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) procedure.

What are the risks of having a blepharoplasty (eyelid lift)?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses the risks of having a blepharoplasty (eyelid lift).

What does a blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) accomplish?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses what an eyelid (blepharoplasty) surgery will accomplish for aging eyes.

Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid lift)

Dr. Zubowicz discusses how an upper eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) is performed.

Lower Blepharoplasty (Eyelid lift)

Dr. Zubowicz discusses how a lower eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) is performed.

Who is a good candidate for liposuction?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses, who is a good candidate for liposuction.

Types of Liposuction

Dr. Zubowicz describes different types of liposuction.

Liposuction Recovery

Dr. Zubowicz talks about liposuction recovery.

Tumescent Liposuction

Dr. Zubowicz explains tumescent liposuction.

Do I have to wear a compression garment after liposuction?

Dr. Zubowicz answers questions about having liposuction.

Returning To Work After Liposuction

Dr. Zubowicz answers questions about having liposuction.

Liposuction Results

Dr. Zubowicz explains what kind of results you can expect from liposuction.

What kind of anesthesia is used for liposuction?

Dr. Zubowicz explains the different types of anesthesia used during liposuction.

Blood Loss With Liposuction

Dr. Zubowicz explains how much blood is lost during a liposuction procedure.

Fat Deposits After Liposuction

Dr. Zubowicz answers common questions about liposuction.

Is liposuction safe?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses the safety of liposuction.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

Dr. Zubowicz answers the question;
what is a mommy makeover?

Who is a good candidate
for a Mommy Makeover?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses who is a good candidate for a mommy makeover.

How much does a
Mommy Makeover cost?

Dr. Zubowicz discusses the cost of a mommy makeover surgery.

Will I have drains after
my Mommy Makeover?

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz discusses what to expect after a mommy makeover procedure.

What is included in a Mommy Makeover?

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz discusses the combination of
procedures that can be included in a mommy makeover.

Mommy Makeover Recovery

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz discusses what recovery
from a mommy makeover procedure is like.

Mommy Makeover Results

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz explains what you can expect
from your mommy makeover procedure results.

When is the best time to have a facelift?

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz answers questions about facial aging and the facelift procedure.

Are there different types of facelifts?

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz answers questions about the facelift procedure.

Will I have drains with my facelift?

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz answers questions about the facelift procedure.

Do I stay in the hospital for a facelift?

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz answers questions about the facelift procedure.

Avoiding the “pulled too tight” look with a Facelift.

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz answers questions about the facelift procedure.

Fat Removal During a Facelift

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz answers questions about the facelift procedure.

Will I look pulled or too tight?

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz answers questions about the facelift procedure.

Is there any downtime after a facelift?

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz answers questions about the facelift procedure.

How often does a facelift need to be redone?

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz answers questions about the facelift procedure.

What are the risks of facelift surgery?

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz answers questions about the facelift procedure.

What does a facelift fix or repair?

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz answers questions about facelifts and facial aging.

Is there pain with a facelift surgery?

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz answers questions about the facelift procedure.

Facial Aging

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz answers the question, “What causes facial aging?”

Implant Size

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz discusses how patients choose implant sizes before a breast augmentation.

Tummy Tuck

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz discusses how a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty is performed).

Tummy Tuck Q&A

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz talks about breast lift surgery (mastopexy). Dr. Vincent Zubowicz discusses how long the scar is after tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery.

Breast Implants

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz discusses different types of breast implants.

Breast Lift

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz talks about breast lift surgery (mastopexy). He answers questions about surgical procedure, time and scarring with the procedure.

Necklift Without Facelift?

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz explains the different methods of rejuvenating the appearance of the neck through surgery.

Eyelid Lift

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz discusses having an upper and/or lower blepharoplasty (eyelid lift).


Dr. Vincent Zubowicz discusses different types of liposuction.

Mommy Makeover

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz answers questions commonly asked about mommy makeovers.