Chin Liposuction

Beautiful woman with hand close to chinChin liposuction, also known as, submental liposuction or “chin lipo” is the removal of excess fat from the chin and neck. Excess fat of the chin and neck can be a significant aesthetic problem and distract from the natural angles of the face and profile.

Removal of chin and neck fat deposits can be fixed quite easily in the office with local anesthesia. The results are immediate and risks are minimal if non-existent.

Non-surgical Treatment Options

There are several non-surgical options available for treating what is commonly referred to as a “double chin”. Over the years my practice used Kybella® (a bile salt that dissolves fat). We no longer offer this as a treatment option, since the results are somewhat unpredictable and never as good as liposuction.

CoolSculpt® is another non-invasive treatment option, many of the patients that we treat every year are CoolSculpt failures. CoolSculpt can work, but requires multiple treatments and can be very costly compared to liposuction.

Whichever option you choose, loose skin after the removal of fat from the chin is a concern in older patients. Dr. Zubowicz will address this as part of the initial consultation. Before and after photographs are also taken to access the success of the surgery.

Chin Lipo Consultation

If you want to improve the shape of your jaw line and chin to achieve a more youthful appearance. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Zubowicz at one of our offices in Midtown Atlanta or Milton office. During the initial consultation Dr Zubowicz will discuss your goals, explain the process and determine if a chin liposuction will achieve your desired look.

Liposuction Patient Gallery

View chin lipo results in the liposuction before & after gallery.

24 year old before and after photos 5 weeks post chin and neck liposuction Liposuction Before and After | Atlanta Liposuction | Dr. Zubowicz
Chin Liposuction Before and After
33 year old female patient before and one month after liposuction of the neck

Frequently Asked Questions About Chin Liposuction

Liposuction uses negative pressure to remove unwanted fat from a given area.  The technique focuses on removal of fat while at the same time avoiding (as best as possible), trauma to the skin, connective tissue, and muscles.

Chin liposuction is extremely safe provided it is performed by an experienced, properly trained surgeon. Because the procedure is easy to complete there are a lot of practitioners that are willing to take a stab at it, but don’t have the experience. Regrettably, they often do not know the nuances of the procedure nor take the proper safety parameters.

Removal of fat deposits from the chin can be done under local anesthesia, which adds another level of safety. And infection is almost a non-existent complication.

Most liposuction is performed with a combination of oral sedation and tumescent anesthesia (the fat is injected with fluid to anesthetize it for removal). Not everyone is a candidate for this approach so general anesthesia is sometimes preferred. The plastic surgeon’s judgment is critical in selecting the best approach for a given patient.

There is not a lot of preparation for a chin liposuction. There are no medications that need to be taken prior to the day of surgery. Patients are expected to be clean and have a ride home after the operation. If a general anesthetic is used the patient will not eat or drink anything after midnight on the day before the procedure.  With oral sedation and tumescent anesthesia, most surgeons prefer the patients eat a light meal before the operation.

If patients can successfully diet, it is best to lose the weight before a chin liposuction procedure. Loosing the weight might remove the need for the procedure. However, many overweight patients are so pleased with the results, the improvement becomes a psychological stimulus to loss additional weight through diet and exercise.

A chin liposuction is an out-patient procedure. Patients will be sent home within a couple hours of the surgery. Most patients resume normal activities within several days. In my practice I permit athletic activity a couple of days after the surgery, provided the patient feels up to it and the activity doesn’t cause pain.

All patients react differently to surgery, this is no different when it comes to chin liposuction, so it’s important to monitor how you feel and contact your physician if you have questions or experience any unusual side effects. Pain is expected to be minimal, but not painless, we prescribe narcotics to some patients after liposuction, but most don’t need it.

Dr. Zubowicz will provide detailed, personalized post-operative instructions to follow for a quick recovery. And you can contact him at any time if you have any questions or concerns.

Any operation can have complications, but chin liposuction is very safe. I have never had a chin liposuction patient with an infection or serious complications from the procedure. Occasionally the access points for the procedure (small poke holes made with a surgical knife) may be aesthetically unacceptable and would require a revision under local anesthesia.  However, this is very uncommon.

Contour issues can occur, which are not really complications. If there are contour issues, a liposuction revision might be needed using local anesthesia.

Some results will be seen immediately but the fat removed will be temporarily replaced by swelling.  About 85% of the swelling will be gone in 6 to 8 weeks. Full resolution of swelling may take 6 months or longer.

Provided the patient maintains weight within a reasonable range, the fat will not return. I have had to retreat areas on patients who have put on 30 pounds or more.  For the most part, the results are permanent.

Access points are minor incisions (small poke holes) that usually are nearly invisible when completely healed. They will be red for a while, which is a normal part of healing but once fully healed, visual scars should not be an issue.

Any time liposuction is performed the volume embraced by the skin above it is reduced. The skin has to contract to adapt to the new volume. If it does not, loose skin or contour issues can result. The likelihood of this is related to the volume of fat removed and the quality of skin over the area to be treated. This consideration is a part of every plastic surgeon’s initial consultation. Dr. Zubowicz will discuss if a neck lift might needed based on his evaluation.

Written and reviewed by:

This article was written by Dr. Vincent Zubowicz, who is board certified by the American Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He practices medicine at his offices in Milton and Atlanta. Learn more about Dr. Zubowicz, his medical training, and credentials.

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz Headshot

Dr. Vincent Zubowicz is one of the Atlanta areas top plastic and reconstructive surgeons. He is an expert in cosmetic surgery, with years of experience performing many plastic surgery procedures. He offers a personal, customized approach and is dedicated to helping patients achieve the most natural looking results.

Call our office at 470-462-2917 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Vincent Zubowicz.

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  • Over 30 Years Experience

  • Serves as Clinical Professor of Surgery at Emory University

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