Fat Transfer2023-08-02T16:06:30-04:00

Fat Grafting and Transfer

Fat transfer, also referred to as fat grafting, is a minimally invasive technology that was designed to help patients improve the volume and contour of the buttocks, face, hands, hips, breasts, or abdomen by transferring their own fat cells to and from these areas. Fat cells are generally harvested from contours of the body that patients are dissatisfied with, due to the abundance of fatty pockets in those areas. In the process of the fat transfer procedure, patients have been pleased with the positive and natural-looking results from where fat cells where taken from and delivered to.

The Fat Grafting Procedure

Most fat grafting to the face and hands can be performed in the office with sedation and local anesthesia. At other times, the grafting can be an adjunct to another operation. Fat grafting is a common accompaniment of a facelift.

The fat is harvested by gentle liposuction from the abdomen or thighs in most circumstances. It is then rinsed to remove anything besides the fat to be injected. This fat can then be processed into 3 components:

  1. Larger grafts (milligrafts) are used for volume enhancement of an area such as the cheeks or the hands.
  2. Smaller grafts (micrografts) are used to treat expression lines, creases in the skin, or for volume enhancement in an area covered by very thin skin (eg. Tear trough area near the lower eyelid).
  3. The smallest of the grafts (nanografts) are processed to eliminate the fat cells and provide stem cells as well as some enzymes that are injected directly into the skin to make it look younger.

Large volume fat grafting to buttocks or breasts is most often done in the operating room with general anesthesia. Patients do better, in my opinion, when they are fully asleep as large areas are suctioned to obtain the necessary fat. The injections are also dispensed in larger volumes which can be uncomfortable for most when a general anesthetic is not employed. Patients are generally very pleased and revisions are not as common as the more precise grafting to areas like the face.

Fat Grafting to the Hands

I am very excited about fat grafting to the hands. More and more this is performed at the same time as a facelift. After a facelift, it’s the hands in many patients that give away one’s age. Fat grafting for volume enhancement and nanografting to improve the character of the skin has been very well received by the patients. To date, I have had no significant complications and not one patient has regretted getting the procedure done.

Before and After Photos of a Woman's Hands After Fat Transfer

The Growing Popularity With Fat Transfer

Fat grafting to the face, hands, and other parts of the body has become a mainstay in aesthetic surgery. Fat grafting has been around for decades but refinements in harvesting, processing, and delivery of the fat has made the results more predictable and longer-lasting. The procedures are very safe. The fat is harvested from the patient so there is no chance of an adverse reaction to the material injected as there might be with some of the artificial fillers.

Grafting of stem cells into the skin to promote youthful changes sounds exciting. Studies suggest that this might actually be happening by the generation of elastin, collagen, and ground substance. I am impressed by the visual changes I’ve seen with nanofat grafting but I am not yet convinced that they are long-lasting. Time will tell. But I often use this fat because it is very safe and the patients benefit at least in the short term.

Why Patients Love Fat Transfer

Body contouring with fat transfer surgery is growing in popularity as more patients learn about the benefits of this aesthetic procedure. From Brazillian Butt lift surgery to fat injections under the eyes and fat transfers to the lips, patients are seeing amazing results.

As a minimally invasive procedure, patients find the results worth the investment. Removing unwanted fat from one area of the body and depositing it in an area of deficiency has become a mainstay in plastic surgery. Patients appreciate the dual benefit of fat transfer procedures. Fat transfer allows the patient to determine what areas of their body needs the positive aesthetic benefit of body contouring by minimizing fat in one area and enhancing a separate area.

  1. Minimally Invasive – Unlike some aesthetic procedures, fat transfer is minimally invasive. The risk is less, and the recovery is shorter. In fact, this procedure offers a good option for patients that may have concerns about more invasive procedures. The operation, which includes both harvesting and injecting the fat, involves very small poke holes in the skin. We perform many of these operations without general anesthesia. Overall, the process produces outstanding results, especially based on the ease of recovery and limited invasiveness.
  2. Multiple Aesthetic Benefits – With most cosmetic surgeries only one area of the body benefits aesthetically. However, with fat transfer procedures, often the patient receives aesthetic benefits to both the fat harvested area as well as the area of injection. For example, patients with excess fat in the abdominal area that desire more fullness in the breast area, find fat transfer a solid solution to achieve the results they want. The key to the procedure is that the patient must have adequate fat to transfer for the fullness they desire.
  3. No Visible Scarring – Due to the less-invasive nature of this procedure, the patient doesn’t experience the scarring associated with other surgeries. When the small holes needed to perform this operation heal, they are effectively invisible. Not only does this improve the overall aesthetic results, but it also minimizes the recovery. With the smaller incision area, there is a smaller area to heal. In addition, the decision to undergo the procedure usually doesn’t feel as difficult because the patient experiences less downtime after surgery.
  4. Custom Options – With body contouring using fat transfer, we offer the patient customized options for the procedure. We work with each patient to understand and satisfy their aesthetic goals. Our goal is patient satisfaction, which means we only recommend procedures we are confident will meet the patient’s needs. The primary limiting factor is fat volume. For the fat transfer to work, the patient must have enough fat to achieve the fullness they desire. When adequate fat is available we then have a variety of customized solutions to offer.
  5. Long Lasting Results – With fat transfer, not all the transferred fat survives. For implant procedures, the implant holds the solution in one place, however, fat transfer doesn’t produce the same results as implants. The other benefits, like less invasiveness and no visible scarring, still make the procedure a great option for many patients. To counter the loss of some fat, we overcorrect the treatment area slightly. Thankfully, the fat which does survive lives permanently in the new area. Patients experience new and lasting fullness in the fat transferred area.

The popularity of fat transfer procedures continues to grow as more patients learn about this cosmetic surgery option. With fat transfer, the results look natural in both the area of fat removal and the area of injection. Most patients want to achieve their aesthetic goals with natural-looking results.

Fat transfer is ideal for patients that want the addition of subtle volume. For example, fat transfer to the face reduces the appearance of aging by adding fullness. This gives patients a natural way to fill in sagging areas.

For areas requiring more volume, like the buttocks or hips, the patient needs more fat for the transfer to produce the best results. My role as a cosmetic surgeon is to provide an honest assessment for each patient to determine if fat transfer is the right procedure to achieve the desired results.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fat Transfer

Ideal fat transfer candidates are people who would like to add subtle, natural volume to one or more areas of the body or rejuvenate the aging face. Candidates for fat transfer must be in general good health for safety reasons. Patients must have enough fat to be used for the desired type of transfer—more for fat transfer to the buttocks or hips, less for fat transfer to the face.

Prior liposuction can create scar tissue, limiting potential harvest sites. Patients should have realistic expectations for the procedure, and explore all available treatment options before making a decision.

The fat transfer procedure may be performed under a number of different anesthesia types (from local to general), depending on the number of areas to be treated, and the amount of fat to be transferred.

Fat transfer is an outpatient procedure and begins with liposuction, generally of the stomach, hips, or thighs. During the first part of the treatment, fat is gently removed from the harvest sites through small incisions, and the areas contoured for a more aesthetically-pleasing silhouette.

The harvested fat is then gently strained and prepared for injection, with minimal handling or manipulation to help assure good graft survival.

The only incisions involved with fat transfer are those caused by the liposuction surgery used for fat harvest. The fat injection process that follows is minimally invasive. Therefore, people often experience only a brief recovery period, getting back to normal activities quickly.

Patients should expect to take about a week off to rest and heal following surgery. Bruising, swelling, and discomfort are normal side effects, but any pain can be controlled with medication and should subside within a few days.

Results appear gradually over a period of months as the swelling goes down and the grafted fat establishes itself in the treated areas. Patients can expect to see the final results from the procedure after about 6 months.

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This article was written by Dr. Vincent Zubowicz, who is board certified by the American Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He practices medicine at his offices in Milton and Atlanta. Learn more about Dr. Zubowicz, his medical training, and credentials.

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Dr. Vincent Zubowicz is one of the Atlanta areas top plastic and reconstructive surgeons. He is an expert in cosmetic surgery, with years of experience performing many plastic surgery procedures. He offers a personal, customized approach and is dedicated to helping patients achieve the most natural looking results.

Call our office at 470-462-2917 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Vincent Zubowicz.

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