The reason we plastic surgeons perform plastic surgery procedures and non-surgical cosmetic treatments is to make our patients feel better about themselves. It is comforting for me to know that we succeed in the vast majority of cases.

Is there anything else that can boost the mental benefits of cosmetic surgery results?

The answer is yes, exercise!

Exercise provides many benefits for the brain both direct and indirect.

From psychological studies, we know that exercise elevates mood and even combats clinical depression in patients with that diagnosis.

Physiologic studies show that there is enhancement of neurotransmitters and other proteins in the brain that elevate mood, help cognition, and stave off deterioration of mental capacities.

What constitutes enough exercise to promote these positive changes?

Through my own reading and reasoning I would recommend this reasonable regimen.

Exercise for 30 minutes every other day at 75% maximum heart rate.

This can be calculated by starting with the number 220, subtracting your age, then multiplying that number by .75. This is also the recommended amount of exercise to maintain cardiovascular health.

As always check with your doctor and make sure you are in suitable cardiovascular health to begin a regimen like this, particularly if you have been sedentary. Individuals over 50 should get a cardiac stress test before starting an exercise regimen. Contact your doctor to discuss your plan.

Adding an Exercise Routine after Cosmetic Surgery

Many of my patients feel better mentally after plastic surgery procedures. It gives them the confidence and self-esteem needed to get back into a regular exercise routine. So, if the psychological benefits of the aesthetic treatment and exercise are additive, I’ll take that every time.