Liposuction is a very popular operation for both men and women. Over the last decade, more men have decided to undergo liposuction to sculpt and shape their bodies to reflect their aesthetic goals. Often physically active men still have fat deposits in areas that are difficult to shed, even with all the right exercise options. Liposuction offers a great solution to remove excess fat to create a smoother and sleeker appearance.

Liposuction is a very safe operation usually done with a small amount of oral sedation and tumescent anesthesia. Recovery is fast with exercise permitted as soon as it is comfortable for the patient, oftentimes the next day. Therefore, liposuction doesn’t require the downtime or risks of some more extensive aesthetic surgeries.

Liposuction provides a smart entry point into the world of cosmetic surgery. If you are a man with a desire to improve your physique, liposuction is a great place to start. We walk each patient through the procedure details, including an explanation of realistic outcomes. He’ll help you understand if liposuction is the right option to meet your specific goals.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure designed to slim specific areas of the body by removing excess fat. The contours of the body become more defined as fat volume reduces. Liposuction is available for almost all parts of the body, including the abdomen, chest, calves, ankles, back, arms, thighs, hips, buttocks, face, and more. 

It’s important to note that liposuction is not a treatment for obesity. The best candidates for liposuction are patients at a stable weight that only desire to remove pockets of fat to achieve their aesthetic goals. In fact, the patients most satisfied with the results of liposuction are usually thinner with a few areas of their bodies they want to improve.

Conventional liposuction uses suction to physically remove fat through a tube inserted into a small hole in the skin. Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure. The puncture area is small resulting in almost no scarring. In addition, the lack of a large incision aids in the quick recovery time. 

Other types of liposuction techniques include mechanically assisted and ultrasonic-assisted liposuction. We offer these as needed based on the specifics of each case and we customize the approach for each patient to produce the best results. Thankfully, liposuction is an easy procedure with great results.

Also, many patients opt to include other procedures with liposuction. For example, fat transfer, tummy tucks, and even breast tissue reduction can use liposuction as part of the larger procedure. 

Top Reasons Men Choose Liposuction

The most common type of male patient that chooses liposuction is athletically fit. Remember, the best results with liposuction occur with thinner patients. In these cases, the patient usually has persistent fat in an unwanted area. Liposuction produces the results the patient wants without majorly invasive surgery.

Also, men’s skin retains elasticity longer than female skin. The retained elasticity makes liposuction a more effective option for men even as they age. In addition, the stigma of cosmetic surgery as an option only for women has faded over the last decade. Both men and women can achieve their desire bodies through aesthetic procedures.

Many men choose liposuction to restore a more youthful appearance or achieve a more sculpted body than they can achieve with exercise alone. Men want to look desirable too. With liposuction, the dream becomes a reality. 

Top Areas of Treatment for Men

  1. Abdomen: By far and away, the most common area men request liposuction is in the abdomen. Stomach fat is hard to work off, especially as we age. Even with aggressive exercise, fat persists. In this case, liposuction helps reduce and smooth the stomach area giving men the confidence they desire.
  2. Flanks or Waist: Like with the stomach, the waist retains fat. Many men want a chiseled look around the waist area. “Love handles” don’t provide the sleek result athletic men want. Liposuction helps reduce the volume in the waist and contour the body.
  3. Gynecomastia: In some cases, liposuction alone achieves gynecomastia or reduction of breast tissue. However, this procedure often requires excision of breast tissue that is glandular, instead of fat. This requires a partial incision along with the areola. Thankfully, the procedure seldom requires a general anesthetic and does not usually require drains.

Achieve the Body You Want

Liposuction works for most patients, both men, and women. You work hard to keep your body healthy and looking great. Liposuction provides a way to take your efforts to the next level with customized body sculpting. Get the body you’ve always dreamed of by removing those hard to change trouble spots. 

We work with male patients to instill confidence before the procedure. Each consultation includes a detailed discussion of your customized procedure, including estimated recovery time, costs, and predicted results. 

Contact 678-566-7200 to schedule a free consultation to discuss liposuction. It’s the procedure many men choose to look their best.

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