If you’re considering a mommy makeover, then you’ve experienced the wonders and pain of pregnancy and childbirth. But, pregnancy also leads to unwanted changes to the body, like loose skin, sagging, excess pockets of fat, and more. A mommy makeover offers you the chance to reverse the signs of pregnancy and enjoy your family with confidence.

We understand you may feel nervous about the recovery from a mommy makeover. However, most women find the recovery straight forward when they follow Dr. Zubowicz’s post-surgery advice. Plus, in the end, you can enjoy the beautiful results of a rejuvenated appearance and increased quality of life.

Due to the customization available with a mommy makeover, the recovery time and experience vary. Yet, most women include an abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, in their mommy makeover.

The recovery with a tummy tuck is usually the most extensive of all the procedures. The insight offered below includes the recovery time for a tummy tuck. If you do not have a tummy tuck as part of your mommy makeover, you may experience a quicker recovery time.

An abdominoplasty is a critical part of the mommy makeover and is a physiologically significant operation. However, the surgery is much more comfortable with a shorter recovery process than a decade ago. Patients can expect to experience swelling, bruising, and soreness post-surgery with all the procedures.

No two women’s bodies are the same, and no two mommy makeover recoveries are the same.

Mommy Makeover Recovery Timeline

Day One

The procedures included in a mommy makeover are typically outpatient with the patient up shortly after surgery. The patient needs someone to drive them home the day of the operation due to the anesthesia. Most of the time, except for restrictions from prescription pain medication, the patient has no physical driving restrictions during recovery. On the first day, the patient will be sore and may feel groggy. This is a day to rest and recover.

Week One

The first few days after surgery are usually the most uncomfortable. However, most patients can drive and perform non-strenuous activities within a week after surgery. This includes returning to work if the patient’s job isn’t strenuous. At the end of the first week, the sutures are removed for the tummy tuck and breast implants, if included.

Week Two

After suture removal, patients may exercise specific to the limitations of their included procedures. For a tummy tuck, do not stress the abdominal muscles. For breast implants, only participate in exercises where the breasts are totally at rest. Avoid all strenuous or high-impact activities. The success of the mommy makeover depends on not exercising in ways that overburden the recovering areas of the body.

Week Four to Six

Patients cannot participate in strenuous exercise, including any exercises that target core or abdominal muscles until six weeks after surgery. If a breast implant is part of the package, we schedule an examination at four weeks to ensure the patient can receive clearance for advanced activity.

Month Three

Three months after surgery, the patient should experience a full recovery with no activity restrictions regardless of the combination of procedures included. Now is time to enjoy the results of your mommy makeover!

Recommendations for a Successful Recovery

You know your body; therefore, you must listen to your body during recovery. It is tempting to try and speed up the recovery process, but you can set yourself back further if you don’t follow your doctor’s advice.

We know you want to enjoy your restored body and show off the results. But, give it time! During recovery, wear loose and comfortable clothing. You do not want to put pressure on your incisions. Also, for breast augmentation, follow the advice for undergarments. Invest in a post-surgical compression bra with clasps in the front. This makes it easy to take on and off. After surgery, the breasts need to stay in place with the right support. We typically recommend wearing the compression bra for at least four to six weeks. This includes during sleeping hours.

You need time to rest after your mommy makeover surgery. Create a location where you can relax with the items you require in easy reach, like medication, water, and entertainment. Also, add extra pillows to your bed for support. You want to keep your body stable while you sleep.

Follow the directions for wound treatment and medication after surgery. You don’t want to suffer unnecessary pain or risk infection. An infection could set back your recovery or even impact the results.

When Will You See Results?

This is the big question. The entire point of a mommy makeover is the aesthetic results. It’s essential to have realistic expectations. You will not see results immediately! We know this is hard to hear, but surgery causes bruising and swelling. Your body will look worse quickly after surgery. But, if you follow the doctor’s treatment plan, you will see beautiful results soon.

Most procedures take between a week and three months to fully realize results. Give your body the time it needs to heal and be patient with the process. We promise the results are there. Your body simply needs time to recover.

Once the swelling goes down and the bruising subsides, you’ll love the results of your mommy makeover. You should see a tighter and smoother abdominal profile with a tummy tuck and fuller breasts from breast augmentation.

Start Now on Your Path to a Restored Post-Pregnancy Body

Are you ready to take the next step in your mommy makeover journey? Our team provides support from your first consultation until full recovery from mommy makeover surgery. We aim to achieve the best aesthetic results while prioritizing your overall health. Each patient receives a customized surgical plan, including a recovery plan based on your specific procedures and health history.

The Mommy Makeover Guide Dr. Zubowicz