Even after 35 years as a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, the facelift continues to be one of my favorite procedures to perform. Over the years, my technique has changed based on my vast experience and emerging research. I like both the technical elements of the facelift and the positive impact patients experience post-surgery. I see a restoring of confidence and vitality after correcting the unwanted signs of aging on the face.

One of the most common questions we hear from individuals interested in a facelift is, “how much does a facelift cost?”. It is important to understand the financial part of the procedure so that you can make the right decision based on your budget.

What is a Facelift?

A facelift is a surgical procedure requiring general anesthesia that aims to reduce the visible signs of aging in the face and neck. A facelift is also known by the medical term rhytidectomy. The facelift procedure repositions and tightens the muscles and excess skin on the face and neck from below the lower eyelids down to the clavicle.

A facelift does not include the correction of the area around the eyes or forehead. However, some patients choose to include other surgical procedures as part of the facelift, including eyelid and brow lift surgery.

Who is a Good Candidate for a Facelift?

Before you invest in a facelift and consider the financial obligation, it is vital to understand if you are a good candidate for the surgery. Most facelift patients fall in age between the mid-forties to the seventies. Each person’s aging process differs; however, only patients in good health should undergo elective facelift surgery.

While a facelift is an outpatient procedure with short recovery time, it is still a surgery. To achieve the best results for your overall health, you don’t want to have unnecessary surgery if you are dealing with major health issues. When I talk to patients about facelift surgery, I stress the importance of entering surgery in good health.

Another factor for a good facelift candidate to achieve quality and long-lasting results is the quality of the skin. Skin in good condition produces much better results from facelift surgery.

I also find that a good candidate for surgery is a patient that understands how a facelift changes the appearance of the face. A facelift corrects the facial signs of aging, like sagging, jowl formation, skin folds, muscle laxity, and banding of the neck. If you hope to improve these signs of aging, a facelift offers the right solution.

Most adults in reasonably good health can successfully undergo facelift surgery without the risk of complications to achieve a refreshed look to the face.

How Much Does a Facelift Cost?

The total cost for a facelift usually falls between $12,000 to $18,000. This amount can vary based on each patient’s unique condition. However, most of the facelift surgeries I perform each year hit this price range.

The cost for a facelift surgery includes surgeon fees, facility costs, and anesthesia fees. Plastic surgery is a fairly sophisticated medical procedure. When evaluating the cost for a facelift, consider the surgeon’s level of experience and positive results. This is vital for your health!

In addition to the basic cost of a facelift, the patient may choose other options that add to the cost. We usually recommend for patients to spend the night in our overnight suite for an additional cost. While a facelift is an outpatient procedure, we prefer to monitor the patient overnight to address any concerns and ensure a positive recovery experience.

The patient may choose to address other areas of the face for correction at the same time. These may include options like eyelid surgery or a browlift. For most patients, these procedures may coincide with facelift surgery. Most of the time, bundling the procedures saves money because the cost already includes certain elements, like the facility and anesthesia costs.

Patients receive an exact quote after the customized surgical plan of action is defined. We want you to understand the financial obligation upfront so that you can make an informed decision.

Financing Options Available

Typical health insurance does not cover the costs of facelift surgery. We offer financing options for patients through CareCredit. Let us know if this is an option you need to learn more about.

Our goal is always patient satisfaction, which means we want the procedure to have a positive outcome in all aspects, including financially.

Alternatives to Facelifts

To address the signs of facial aging, there are alternatives to facelift surgery. For some patients, I recommend these options to allow more time before performing a facelift. Younger patients often choose nonsurgical procedures, like fillers and neuromodulators.

Also, for some patients, a facelift isn’t the best option to address the concerns of facial aging. For example, if your main issue is nasolabial folds or laugh lines, a facelift doesn’t produce the best results. Instead, fillers or implants offer better results.

Likewise, if brow lines are the issue, a brow lift is the right procedure as a facelift only address the facial area under the lower eyelids. The bottom line is I work with the patient to understand your goals and recommend the best procedures to meet those goals.

If an alternative procedure is the best option, I provide honest and upfront information to produce quality results you can trust. I value patient satisfaction, good communication, and beautiful results.

Schedule a Facelift Consultation

To learn more about facelift surgery, including the specific costs of a facelift, schedule a free consultation. We want you to feel confident and ready with a clear picture of all aspects of the facelift procedure before you commit.

Facelift procedures continue in popularity even with the associated costs. If you are considering a facelift to restore confidence and refresh the facial signs of aging, contact us today.