Many patients want a way to reduce areas of fatty tissue on the body. In fact, often thinner and more athletic patients work hard to achieve certain fitness standards, including a fit and sculpted physical appearance. Despite diet and exercise, some patients still have problem areas to address. Both liposuction and CoolSculpting work to resolve areas of fat on the body. 

One common question received by Dr. Zubowicz is how to choose between CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction. Both procedures offer a solution to reduce fat tissue in unwanted areas of the body. However, the procedures are very different. Each patient must choose for themselves the best option.

Dr. Zubowicz offers CoolSculpting and liposuction procedures for patients in Atlanta and throughout the Southeast. He walks each patient through the pros and cons of each procedure to help you make an informed decision.

What is CoolSculpting? 

Most people have heard about liposuction and know the basics of the procedure. However, CoolSculpting isn’t as well known. CoolSculpting usually removes 20% to 30% of the fat that liposuction would. The procedure is non-surgical. It is a non-invasive procedure used to reduce fat in targeted areas of the body.

The procedure works by cooling and freezing fat to breakdown the unwanted cells. The process typically doesn’t show results for about three weeks and requires multiple treatments. The goal with CoolSculpting is subtle and natural-looking results without the need for surgery.

CoolSculpting is non-surgical in that the procedure does not penetrate the skin. A suction device vacuums the tissue into a cup where it is slowly cooled. The technology takes advantage of the fact that fat is more susceptible to cold than skin. Therefore, the fat can dissolve even though the skin does not.

The side effects of CoolSculpting are minimal. The patient may experience mild swelling, bruising, numbness, redness, and pain. Otherwise, the patient should return to normal activities the same day.

CoolSculpting works in most patients. However, it does not work to reduce large volumes of fat. It works best for thinner patients with specific trouble spots. CoolSculpting is ideal for patients with good skin elasticity and minor problem areas. Also, CoolSculpting doesn’t combine well with other procedures. For example, if you need a tummy tuck with fat removal, the surgeon uses liposuction to remove the fatty tissue.

How is a Liposuction Procedure Different?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure. While it is minimally invasive, it does require a puncture area. The puncture allows a suction tool to remove the fat tissue. Most patients do not require general anesthesia for liposuction. In fact, most patients recover very quickly with few risks. 

The results with liposuction are better because it removes all available fat in the targeted area. Also, patients see results more quickly with liposuction. The non-surgical element is the primary benefit CoolSculpting offers. Otherwise, liposuction almost always offers superior benefits over CoolSculpting.

How Long Does Each Procedure Take?

Interestingly, both procedures take around the same amount of time. In most cases, CoolSculpting and liposuction take between one and two hours. The procedures may take longer if you schedule multiple areas as part of one session. 

Liposuction only requires one procedure whereas CoolSculpting usually requires multiple sessions. Therefore, CoolSculpting ultimately takes more time. Comparatively, with CoolSculpting most patients do not need recovery time. With liposuction, patients may need up to a week to recover depending on the details of the procedure.

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How Do the Results and Recovery Compare Between the Two Procedures?

The recovery is similar in both procedures. However, if liposuction ends up requiring more anesthesia, a longer recovery can occur. Dr. Zubowicz has personally had both procedures. He experienced more bruising with CoolSculpting but otherwise experienced very similar recoveries.

The biggest difference is the results. CoolSculpting does not produce as noticeable results as liposuction. It also takes longer to see the results. However, the results appear more gradually with CoolSculpting for a more natural transition. Liposuction can address more fatty tissue than CoolSculpting because it removes the tissue versus treating the tissue so that it can dissolve in the body.

In addition, the results are more predictable with liposuction. The surgeon removes a specific amount of tissue. For the money, liposuction offers overall better results.

What is the Cost Difference Between CoolSculpting and Liposuction?

Both procedures cost around $1,500 per area addressed. However, CoolSculpting requires multiple treatments to match the results of liposuction. Even then, the results won’t necessarily reflect as much fat tissue removal. CoolSculpting is not nearly as cost-effective as liposuction.

One thing to factor in is whether CoolSculpting meets your aesthetic goals without surgery. For some patients, surgery isn’t a good option. In these cases, CoolSculpting offers a viable alternative. 

Dr. Zubowicz walks each patient through the details of both procedures so that you can make an informed decision for your lifestyle and budget. The goal is patient satisfaction. We want you to receive the treatment option that meets your needs.

Also, Dr. Zubowicz has successful experiences with both procedures. Regardless of the option, you choose the procedure that best fits your expectations.

What Option is Right for You? 

While Dr. Zubowicz presents you with all the relevant information to decide, he won’t make the decision for you. Ultimately, the patient must decide which procedure to select. Use the information presented to select what feels right for you.

If a non-surgical option feels better, then begin with CoolSculpting on one area of your body. You can always decide to switch to liposuction if there are other areas you need to address. However, if you are a good candidate for surgery, liposuction can offer the results you want more quickly and affordably.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Dr. Zubowicz is a leading and sought after plastic and reconstructive surgeon located in Atlanta. He serves patients throughout the Southeast with top-notch cosmetic procedures. Contact Dr. Zubowicz today to schedule a free consultation to discuss the benefits of liposuction and CoolSculpting.