Asymmetry of the eyelids, before or after blepharoplasty, is common.  After eyelid surgery, patients often become intense “students” of the anatomy of their face and will pick up on subtle asymmetries that may or may not have been present before surgery.  That’s one good reason to get pre-op photos.

Asymmetrical brow ptosis (droopiness of the forehead) can translate into asymmetrical eyelid appearance.  Correction is not surgery on the eyelid, but some form of brow lift.

Asymmetry of the upper eyelids caused by lower brow position on the right-corrected by upper eyelid surgery and correcting the position of the brow.

Very rarely the healing process after surgery can create lid position issues.  These are easily diagnosed especially when comparing pre and post-op photos.  Occasionally a surgical revision is required but only after all swelling is resolved and non-surgical treatment has failed.