1. Women with breast implants can’t breastfeed.

Not all women can breastfeed with or without breast implants.  After breast augmentation, breastfeeding is possible regardless of whether the implant is above or below the pectoralis muscle.

2. Breast augmentation makes mammography less accurate.

Implants do indeed make mammograms more complicated but not less accurate.  Oftentimes additional views of the breast are needed to “see around” the breast implant.  However, if the mammogram is performed properly, it is as accurate as if no implant were in place.

3. Breast implants increase the risk of breast cancer.

Actually, the reverse is true-breast implants slightly lower the risk for breast cancer.  It’s not a lot and certainly no reason alone to consider breast augmentation.  However, it’s nice to know breast implants don’t increase the risk.

4. Breast implants should be placed below the pectoralis muscle.

The only strong indication to place implants below the muscle is saline implants to be placed in thin women where the chance of visible rippling is less when the implant is covered by the pectoralis muscle.  Otherwise, there are various considerations for placing the implants above or below the muscle that will be explained by the plastic surgeon.

5. Breast implants have to be replaced every 10 years.

Breast implants should be replaced only when there is a clinical reason to do so.  Implants can be left in for decades if they don’t fail or cause any problems.