LATISSE® is a topical prescription product from Allergan.

The FDA has approved Latisse, the first drug to promote eyelash growth. It is produced by the company Allergan.

LATISSE®, contains the active ingredient of the glaucoma Drug Lumigan, which is also made by Allergan. It is by prescription only.

Eyelash Growth is a known side effect of Lumigan. But Lumigan and LATISSE® are used differently. Lumigan is an eyedrop, and Latisse gets dabbed along the lash line on the upper eyelids to promote longer, thicker, darker lashes.

LATISSE® users can expect to experience longer, fuller, and darker eyelashes in as little as eight weeks, with full results in 16 weeks.

For more information, contact our office to see how LATISSE® could work for you.