Everyone loves lasers. In the past two decades various lasers and other electromagnetic energy delivering devices (ultrasound) have been introduced into liposuction. The manufacturers claim that lasers do a better job of removing fat or improve the final result by tightening skin. The science behind this is very weak to say the least.

I personally have experience with liposuction assisted by ultrasound and three different types of lasers. All of these electromagnetic energy delivering systems have a target molecule that converts their particular wavelength into heat. That is, the common currency for all of the systems is heat. Why one manufacturer’s heat is better than another escapes me.

I do not see any difference with the results of liposuction performed with the assistance of lasers versus liposuction unassisted by a laser. Furthermore, lasers add to the time and cost of the operation. Nevertheless, patients occasionally demand their liposuction be laser-assisted and I will oblige after discussing my reservations.

There is also the possibility that lasers might do harm. Inflicting thermal damage on tissue might have long-term consequences. There is no scientific evidence yet to support this.  I think the possibility is low but it is worthy of investigation. I have operated on areas that have been previously treated by conventional liposuction as well as liposuction assisted by the laser or ultrasound. There is considerable more scarring when electromagnetic energy is part of the treatment.

It is impossible to say what the final place in body contouring lasers will occupy. I would guess that they will probably end up in a technological junk-pile.  Lasers are remarkable devices but they are not always necessarily a better alternative to conventional treatments.