If you are considering having a facelift, what you should expect for the recovery time will certainly be on your mind. Let’s explore the facelift recovery process, so you can have a solid set of expectations for your surgery and recovery.

Recovery Overview

A facelift is a surgical procedure conducted under the use of general anesthesia. While a facelift is usually an outpatient procedure, it is still a surgery and requires the right recovery process and plan. We recommend that each facelift candidate is in good overall health prior to surgery. This produces the lowest risks, best outcomes, and smoothest recoveries.

A traditional facelift surgery restores the signs of aging by repositioning fat, muscle, and skin between the areas below the lower eyelids and the collarbone. To ensure the best results, follow the recommended recovery process and timeline, which limits strenuous and high-impact exercise for up to one month after surgery.

Facelift Recovery Timeline

There is usually very little pain associated with a facelift for most patients. Since there is muscle tightening in the neck, the area can be sore and stiff for several weeks. However, most patients do not experience any major complications from facelift surgery.

The recovery process for a facelift is easy compared to many other surgeries. Here we’ve broken down the facelift recovery by timeframe:

  • Day 1 – On the day of surgery, patients have the option to spend the night in our overnight suite for an additional cost. This allows us to monitor patients post-surgery. This is also a good option for patients that do not have support at home after the surgery. If patients opt to go home, they need reliable transportation and assistance at home the first night. This is due to the impact of general anesthesia.
  • Week 1 – Usually, there is very little bruising with a facelift. Exceptions do exist but are rare. Most of the incisions are well hidden but those in front of the ear may be visible in some patients. Patients may return to normal, non-strenuous, activities during the first week. Due to some swelling and bruising, patients may not want to return to public activities if they want to keep the procedure private. We encourage patients to walk for exercise during the first week. However, patients should not participate in any strenuous exercise until the sutures are out at the end of week one.
  • Week 2 – At the start of week two, patients should be back to their normal daily routine. Swelling and bruising should decrease. Removal of the sutures allows patients to perform more strenuous tasks with lower risks of complications. Moderate exercise is permissible. However, continue to avoid any high-impact activities, like running. Each case is different. Ask before you participate in any questionable activity. You do not want to compromise the long-term results of the surgery or your health.
  • Weeks 3 and 4 – Most patients are back to work and normal activities by weeks three and four. Any bruising or swelling should be gone at this point. Patients can participate in athletic activities. However, patients should not participate in high-impact activities or exercises until 30 days after surgery.
  • 30 Days – At the 30-day mark, most patients experience a full recovery from facelift surgery. The main issue is the numbness of the cheeks. For women, it is mostly a curiosity. For men, shaving makes it is more of an annoyance. It may take several months for full sensitivity to total return. Normal athletic activities are allowed at this point, including higher impact activities. Patients can now enjoy the renewed youthfulness of the face.

Choosing the Right Time for a Facelift

It’s important to time any elective surgery to minimize the impact on your schedule and ensure the best recovery. For facelift surgery, consider a time when you are free from social obligations. For example, you may not want to schedule your surgery within two weeks of a trip.

Instead, look for a time where you have a 30-day window to heal completely without high-impact activities. Also, consider when you have the presence of a caregiver for the day of the surgery. Work out the details as part of your surgical plan.

We want each patient to have a good experience with the results that meet your aesthetic and health goals. Choosing the right time for facelift surgery helps produce positive results and a better facelift recovery.

For the best results, find a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform your facelift. You can browse our facelift before-and-after gallery to see examples from real patients. If you are interested in learning more about facelifts, contact our office at 678-566-7200 to set up a complementary consultation.


Plastic Surgery by Dr Zubowicz at Emory Aesthetic Center Atlanta